Friday, June 12, 2009

Guido Argentini - Eva Milli

Guido Argentini is an Italian photographer living in the USA since 1990. His first book, “SILVEREYE”, in 2003 presented an exquisite series of studio and landscape nudes.
Eva Milli was photographed for Max in 2005. It is clear that the photographer was trying to capture Guido Argentini's silver models. Unfortunately the result does not measure up... not in a long shot! So why do Greek photographers always try to imitate the masters?


  1. Maybe they lack vision. They can only do what they've seen WORK. They're scared to risk time and money doing something new [OR - and this is most probable] CLIENTS lack trust. The client doesn't want to waste time and money and put trust in the creative team and photographer.

  2. sn pozes h dikia mas h ellinida ine kaliterh stn 2h foto...alla milame stn 3eni ine ola ta lefta!iperoxo etsi pos to exoun va4i to soma tis..WOW!!
